
You are divinity, empty colour and light.

Empty apparition from nowhere

I build my way to find you.

‘Yellow Lego-bricks’ they say

And I´m not going astray. 

I call you divinity but there are no true words about you.

In my search for you, I make the possibility of meaning available.

But there is no true ‘meaning’ about you.

Immense display of light!

Infinity display of colour!

Your true name is ‘splash’!

Strange Ahab I´m!

What I’m trying to catch?

When I´m expecting you, I´m making you.

When I´m searching for you, I´m making you.

Building in the open diversity of you

I came back with empty hands always!

So I´m free of me!



Make me divine as you!

The true magician is ‘here’.

Eating and showing the yellow bricks

Opening the great way!

João Vale Neto